


“International Human Rights: In Our Time” (Keynote Speaker, International Days, Thompson Rivers University, February 2010)

Keynote Speech for Mosaic of Cultures – Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, British Columbia (April 19, 2009)

Introductory Remarks by B.W. Sundhu, Alberta Court of Appeal (No. 0703-0294-AC) – “Racist Defamation” (Chohan v. Capital Health Authority et. al.) argued January 8, 2009.

Peace March – Kamloops, British Columbia (May 13, 2008)

In the media 

“Sofia Cisowski Waits For Justice” ((CBC Radio, joint interview, February 2014)
“Superiority complex over U.S. is unfounded”, Column: The Vancouver Province series “Racism in Paradise”, October 20, 2013.

“To Tunisia with Legal Wisdom” (Kamloops this Week, June 6, 2013)  (in French, Kapitalis, Tunis)

“The Colour of Justice” – Globe & Mail, April 18, 2012
Download PDF of “The Colour of Justice”

“Sundhu Climbs Back From Ignominy” (The Lawyers Weekly, May 11, 2012)

“Minority lawyers in Canada push for a less white bench” (The Globe & Mail, April 20, 2012)

“Excellence is not homogeneity” (The Globe & Mail, May 10, 2012)

“Minority lawyers demand diversity among appointed judges” (The Globe & Mail, May 8, 2012)

Feature Interview: “Denial is the new form of racism and it exposes this myth of equality on which the Canadian Structure is built” (India Abroad, May 4, 2012)

“Hard Questions About Getting Tough On Crime” (CBC Radio, September 26, 2011)

Where women go, world follows (Kamloops This Week – Mar. 21, 2008) (PDF)

Where are they now? (Kamloops This Week – Dec. 28, 2007) (PDF)

Pearl of Wisdom (Kamloops Daily News – Sept. 14, 2007) (PDF)